All Classes
All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Annotation Types Summary Class Description AdvancedArcadeJoystickInput Modified arcade drive joystick input.AxisButton A button based on a joystick axis.ChickenController ChickenTalon Wrapper around aTalonSRX
adding some features (that really should already be there) as well as making functions easier to call.ChickenTalon.TalonControlMode Deprecated. UseControlMode
ChickenVictor ChickenXboxController ChickenXboxController.Axis ChickenXboxController.Axis2D ChickenXboxController.XboxAxis ChickenXboxController.XboxButton ControlUtils CTREOutput Output
to pass drive commands to Talon SRX and Victor SPX motor controllers.DPadAxis Enum representing the possible axes of a D-Pad.DPadButton Used to map a button from the D-Pad on a controller to a button so it can be used for triggering commands.DPadButton.DPadAxis Deprecated. UseDPadAxis
DriveData Encapsulates data for one side of a tank drivetrain.DriverStationAppender Translates Log4J log messages at Error or Warning level to driver station calls.Executable Functional interface for a function that takes no arguments and returns no output.FakeGyro Mock gyro with user-controllable angle.FeedForwardProcessor Processor
to apply an Oblarg-style feed-forward.FeedForwardToVelocityProcessor Processor
that converts a feed-forward/throttle into a velocity setpoint.HeadingPIDProcessor APIDProcessor
for maintaining a robot's heading.HeadingTransformProcessor Processor
to convert headings on [0,2π] to [-π, π] and vice versa.Input<T> Extension of aSupplier
adding additional composition methods.Limelight MathUtils MiniPID Source: Small, easy to use PID implementation with advanced controller capability.
Minimal usage:
MiniPID pid = new MiniPID(p,i,d);
...looping code...{
output= pid.getOutput(sensorvalue,target);
}MotionProfile A sequence ofPoints
that can be used by motion profiling systems.MotionProfile.Point A single instant within aMotionProfile
.MultiAxisButton A button based on a set of joystick axes.NavX Odometry Output<T> Extension of aConsumer
adding an additional composition method.PIDProcessor<I,O> Processor to execute a generic PID loop.PIDTuningRobot Robot class to tune a Motion Magic PID controller.Preference Indicates that a field is set through the robot's preferences.PreferenceManager Class to manage creating and updating robot preferences.Processor<T,R> Extension of aFunction
adding additional composition methods.ProfileInput Class to get commanded drive values from a set of motion profiles.RevBlinken Wrapper class for controlling a REV Blinken LED controller.RevBlinken.ColorPattern Enum for possible color patterns according to the Blinken user manual.RotationUtils SimpleJoystickInput Simple tank-style input from a WPILibJoystick
.StateChangeDetector StickyFaultsUtils StrictDPadButton Version ofDPadButton
that ignores diagonal inputs.TankDriveData Encapsulates drive commands for a tank drive.Transform2D 2D pose data structure classTransform3D TrigUtils TuningClass Indicates that all fields in a class should be placed in RobotPreferences.TurningRatePIDProcessor Modifies velocity set-points to keep a desired turning rate.Twist2D 2D twist data structure classUnitScaler Scales units by a desired factor.UnitsUtils WheelbaseTestRobot Class to determine a robot's wheelbase width.