Class NavX

  • public class NavX
    extends Object
    • Constructor Detail

      • NavX

        public NavX​(edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.SPI.Port port)
    • Method Detail

      • getYawRadians

        public double getYawRadians()
        NavX yaw counter-clockwise in radians, from -pi to pi. This method does NOT continue past pi or -pi and is thus the one you probably want to use most of the time.
      • getAngleRadians

        public double getAngleRadians()
        NavX angle counter-clockwise in radians. This method continues past pi and -pi and is thus the one you don't want to use (most of the time).
      • getAccelX

        public double getAccelX()
      • getAccelY

        public double getAccelY()
      • getRawPitchDegrees

        public double getRawPitchDegrees()
        This is bad. Do NOT use this. Re-tune your PID if you have to.
        NavX raw pitch clockwise in degrees